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AllFam:   About this Site

The content of this site is solely the responsibility of:
          Currently, this site contains no information about the sources of the genealogical data presented here. If you email me, I will be happy to tell you where I found any particular piece of information.

          In order to protect the privacy of living individuals, no details are shown for persons born after 1900 for whom no death date is known. For some of these families I do have a great deal of additional information in my files. If you want to know more, please email me.

          This database is basically a personal genealogy, that is, I started with my parents and grandparents and it grew from there. Since there are very few of us who are really interested in my personal family tree, I have tried to include as much information as I could find on related families. The idea is make this site useful as possible for other family researchers.

          Unfortunately, this site also contains several ERRORS of fact...I'm sure it does...I just don't know where they are. If you have information that conflicts with anything you see here, please email me and help me get it right.

          Some of the genealogy found on this site is the result of my own hard work, clever deduction, and blind luck and much of it comes from the conscientous research of others. But some of it is undocumented information downloaded from web pages of folks who downloaded it from other web pages...and so on. Please DO NOT accept anything you find here as 'the truth'. If you are concerned about the reliability of anything on these pages, email me and ask about sources.

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